Saturday, March 27, 2010

God, pain and win

My first attempt on writing.

Few days ago, I read some quote which I don't remember exactly now but the summary of the quote was "If you are in trouble then think yourself as a horse running in the racecourse and god is giving you pain so that you can run fast and win". The first thought which came into my mind after reading this was, whether god doesn't have a better thing to do than having billions of people running in a race and enjoying the pain of people to see who wins the race. I can't disagree more with this thought. this thought is too submissive to god. This shows that we are not responsible for our life at all. Human life is different from other creatures in the way that we have been given more control over our lives than any other species on the earth. Still we want to blame god for anything wrong. I believe in god but, I mean he should be having much better stuff to do than making the world just a racecourse.

Now lets come to the metaphorical terms - "race the life". If you view of your life as a horse race then really what you are going to have is just pain. Because after every race, the winner horse doesn't get anything, all the money is taken away by his master. So, it seems to me that the base comparison is itself wrong. For me, life is not a race at all. Life is calm journey without a destination. Ultimately everyone will reach at only one place and that would be the end of life. And believe me no one would want to reach there first!!. People are remembered for their acts during this journey and not for reaching the finish line here.

The biggest win comes from inside. the first step is to identify what you need from this long journey and what you want to give to others from this. The more you want, more is the effort required and more are the troubles to get that. But those troubles are not which are given by god, those are because you want more. The real win is to get what you set for yourself, which can be of any magnitude. Everyone need not to become Sachin Tendulkar to win. Because every one can not do that. And if everyone could do that then there is no Sachin Tendulkar at all. It is to identify your capabilities and identify your limitation and then decide what you want to get. If you do this step correct then there is going to be less pain and suffering. So most of the part depends on ourselves and not on anyone else.

And signing of with saying that real win (you can term as philosophic win) is not in getting something, it is in giving something. Because that is the real joy.


Sushant said...

Ghanaa Philosophical ho rehaa taau ! On a serious note, what you said is so right and has been said so many times in "Speaking Trees" and "Inner Voices" of the world. But there is one problem here. With everyone else wanting more there is a sense of insecurity that creeps in oneself. I mean it is like the fight for survival. If everyone has more than what you have. Even if what you have is enough, you're still poor ;). This race is the result of that. It is in our genes to run for more ! The day it becomes sure that what you have is enough you should mellow down probably, if not stop. But that day comes usually a little in the life for most of us.

pratiksha said...

unbelievable.....u write so sounds as m reading to some philosopher....really heart rendering peiece.....keep writing

test said...

Well said gurudev....
truly agree that life is a journey... :)

Keep writing it was an awesome start..
and well beginning is half done... :)

Dinesh Saxena said...

keep it up. gud to read such mature writing from u.....welldone

Unknown said...

Excellent,impressive and philosphical writing.I really agree with your view of life that it's a jorney and not 'race'.Because it's an unpredictable jorney full of troubles & hard work to be a successful as well as memorable passenger of ths jorney.Good keep it up.

Kchitiz said...

@Sushant: Yes, what you said is correct, but that was the point I made that the decision of what you want and what not should come only from within yourself and not from some other sources. Difficult to do but should be done!!

@all: Thanks a lot for appreciation!!